
Phase 1:

Establish Foundation and Market Presence Finalize platform architecture and smart contracts.

Build a core development and advisory team.

Conduct market research to identify opportunities in RealFi.

Crowdfund for core concept via launch.

Begin development of the platform.

Phase 2:

Develop Core Features and Tokenomics Finalize staking and governance models.

Begin building partnerships with real estate firms and DeFi platforms.

Phase 3:

Launch Initial Platform Beta Release a private beta for early adopters and key partners.

Gather feedback and refine user experience.

Begin initial marketing efforts.

Phase 4:

Public Platform Launch and Expansion Officially launch the Marble platform to the public.

Execute a comprehensive marketing campaign to attract users.

Initiate platform governance and community-driven decision making.

Phase 5:

Introduce Secondary Market and Additional Features Launch the secondary marketplace for trading tokenized real estate assets.

Roll out new features such as advanced analytics and expanded lending options.

Explore opportunities for global expansion and additional partnerships.

Last updated